What People Say
Siverra lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nulla nisi scelerisque euvestibulum sed risus ultricies.
"Kijaski has been our business partner for our tiles. We have been renowned tiles brand for more than 3 consecutive years with ~5-6% market share in Europe. And today 100% of our tiles are made by kijaski only. I'm really thankful to Mr Kishan and entire kijaski team for helping us scale up our tiles business from scratch. Partners like him make us who we are today."
VICTOR MARTINCEO May raw design gets easily but final design requires a lot of dedication, brilliance and the ability to think differently. I remember my ceramic engineering days @ ##Harvard university. Thank you to all the amazing engineers of kijaski. Your sheer hard work brings our sales and help to make our brand.
DavisCO- Founder "If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together. I learned this lesson from kijaski marketing team. I’m great honour to visit production factory. Where the company not just manufacture the tiles but they provide education to worker and their family with motto to grow society healthy and wealthy."
Maria SantosAssistance "Teaser of a new, significant project that I have been diligently on with @kijaski faucet and IIT-Research Wing. Kijaski Research Valley's doors are being opened for large-scale projects like NEOM CITY and the Burj Jumeirah."
Hussain &SaifR&D Head Previous